When I founded complexRE in 2013, we were at the beginning of an adventurous journey to get to know better new countries and people. Today we operate in many places I have traveled, knew and enjoyed. Below you can find a map of the countries we cover and contact my colleagues or me.
We focus on A-class logistics warehouses and other premium industrial premises. In the last five years, our clients were international industrial development and logistic/production companies. We have a friendly approach and close relations with them.
We have a good overview of what / when and for what price can be delivered. We have outstanding relations with developers. That's why we can assist you and your company to get the right location, fair conditions and prices when you want to rent or buy a space.
- Jiri Suremka, Founder of ComplexRE
Manufacturing and logistics companies from Scandinavia, Western Europe and also from our home region - Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltics and Ukraine.
We have permanent local partners in most countries and we know local customs and markets. We know what we can offer to our clients - whether they are looking for logistics or production space for rent or for purchase.
International developers and investors who are looking for projects.
Our knowledge of industrial real estate markets allows us to work with them. You usually do not find the projects we offer on the internet. We look for them at dozens of meetings. We do not sit in the office but we are present with our clients - either in Copenhagen, Prague or Belgrade.